Monday, August 29, 2005

Here, kitty kitty kitty!!

Yeah, guess if you're on my MSN, you'd probably know it by now, this cat gave birth to 3 cute little kittens outside my flat. Hmmm, under my shoe rack. Guess there must be a great sense of security there huh..
Oh well, whatever the reason, it certainly chose the right place to give birth, coz my mum's like doting on the post-natal feline, nothing unusual.. She actually cooked fish and porridge for it!! And it's served on a platter too.. er.. plastic platter la, but whatever.. fish porridge leh.. better than hunting cockroaches right?
So well, I'm trying to get clear photos of the 3 kittens, 2 black, 1 striped, so stay tuned, and maybe if I figure out how to do it, I'll post it here.. but I SERIOUSLY doubt it. Sigh.. the limitations of technology.. oops, make that my limitations in the use of technology.. haha.. CIAOS!! *meow*

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Apologies

Alright, guess I've been putting on too much of a magic show that people have started to wonder if I've disappeared for good. Nope, I'm still around, sadly for a lot of people out there who can't wait for me to disappear from the face of this world, or for that matter, any world.
Sorry to disappoint these people, but I'm still alive and kicking, only barely though. Been really really busy with all the work, guess I shouldn't have let it pile up, but oh well, what's new. Those who were with me through my NUS days should know that already. Chan - the one who starts essays 8hrs before the deadline.
I'm starting earlier now, and I hope that the momentum can carry me through. I'll try to cut down on my magic acts, but then, hey, no promises man, for work is more important. Yeah right, trust me, I'll be back before you know it, complaining that I have 9 hours to go before my deadline and I have not started. Muahaha! Old habits don't die hard, they don't die!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Life is full of choices? Oh yeah..

Back again. Been busy organising my notes and readings, about time too.. Beginning of the fourth week and I finally got down to doing my filing and all the other mundane stuff. Hmmm, wonder whether I'll touch those files again in the near future. Guess not. Hah!
Life is full of choices, yeah, and especially so when you decide how you want to allocate your time. Like me, I choose to allocate it to anything but studying, and I know that it's probably not the right choice, but oh well, I just can't get started. Been talking about starting for a long time, but yet haven't got started. Sigh..
So, what can I do? Get started, yeah, but other than that? Seems like there isn't much choice huh? So what happened to "life's full of choices"? I wonder too.. Sigh.. No choice, no life. That's probably just life. What can one do about it? Make the most of it then. Ciaos!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Disappeared for some time..

Hmmm, guess I disappeared for some time huh? As usual, had some problems coming online with my laptop, so this time around, I decided that I shan't come online at all. Guess it must have worked.
Anyway, that's just my excuse. I've been so caught up with watching "LOST" that I simply could not stop watching episode after episode till I finished the first series. Never been one to get stuck on serials, but well, guess that was an exception.
Hmmm, do remember in one episode that there was something said about choices, and that everyone has choices to make, and they have to be made. We cannot simply hide from making choices because it will only complicate matters for you in future.
In life, no matter what we do, there will always be some point where we have to make a choice. Each choice leads down a road that in time to come, will lead to another intersection where we have more choices to make. Choose the "right" path initially, and the road behind might just be smoother.
But then again, what is the right path? Or for that matter, is there a wrong path? I don't know.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Vision of the Future

A vision for the future, or something to that extent, was the main idea behind a film I watched in class today. Interesting ideas that it brought up, and somehow struck a chord in me.

It started off sounding rather like common sense, but as I thought deeper into it, I realised that it wasn't as simple as it first appeared. There was a much deeper meaning behind it. It was basically about how people should have a vision for their own future, so that they can progress towards it.

Of course, having a vision means nothing if there are no follow-up actions, and it is only with the appropriate actions that one can take the first tentative steps towards their desired future.

There was also something about making a change to the world, and how an individual does not necessarily need to make a difference to the world by changing it. What matters is that the individual has made a change to someone else's life. We cannot hope to achieve everything, or do great things, but small little things matter too.

My vision of the future? To be able to help at least one student, and make a difference in his/her life. Noble? Nah.. Just doing my small little part in this great big world..

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My New Fridge

My new fridge just came today. The poor delivery man had to climb up 5 floors up with it, and this was after he spent 30mins searching for Blk 60. Haiiz, poor guy...

But all thanks to him, David and I don't have to climb down 4 floors just to get a cold drink anymore, and our diet has just improved tremendously. A lifestyle change indeed. =)

As David puts it, our standard of living has improved again, and how true. We're considering leaving the fridge door open all day and night so we can have an air-con as well, but think that wouldn't work too well.

Well, my new fridge is here, and I just had my first "cold" drink from it. Not too chilled, but it's fine. Really. Life's simple pleasures. Ahhhhhh......

Bitter-Sweet Memories

Bitter-Sweet Brownies,
Thus sweet.
Hence bitter.
Bitter though parting may be,
the Sweetness of it all,
Envelopes all superficiality,
Leaves bitter-sweet memories.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Finally, it's done!!!

Finally, it's done!! Spent like 24hrs on it? But guess it's worth it. Learnt new things, re-learnt old things, and well, hope this sense of satisfaction lasts for another 24hrs at least. Ha-ha!
Never knew that it would be so hard to do, but well, guess that nothing's really easy at the first attempt. The road to knowledge, like the course of true love, never did run smooth, and indeed, never will.
Alright, enough of this for now. Let me indulge in life's simple pleasures, and get some much needed rest. Of course, there is much room for improvement, but for the time being, this is simply great!!
Finally, it's done... Hmmm, maybe I can change the colour scheme, or perhaps the picture... Nah... =P