Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Apologies

Alright, guess I've been putting on too much of a magic show that people have started to wonder if I've disappeared for good. Nope, I'm still around, sadly for a lot of people out there who can't wait for me to disappear from the face of this world, or for that matter, any world.
Sorry to disappoint these people, but I'm still alive and kicking, only barely though. Been really really busy with all the work, guess I shouldn't have let it pile up, but oh well, what's new. Those who were with me through my NUS days should know that already. Chan - the one who starts essays 8hrs before the deadline.
I'm starting earlier now, and I hope that the momentum can carry me through. I'll try to cut down on my magic acts, but then, hey, no promises man, for work is more important. Yeah right, trust me, I'll be back before you know it, complaining that I have 9 hours to go before my deadline and I have not started. Muahaha! Old habits don't die hard, they don't die!!


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