Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Finally, it's done!!!

Finally, it's done!! Spent like 24hrs on it? But guess it's worth it. Learnt new things, re-learnt old things, and well, hope this sense of satisfaction lasts for another 24hrs at least. Ha-ha!
Never knew that it would be so hard to do, but well, guess that nothing's really easy at the first attempt. The road to knowledge, like the course of true love, never did run smooth, and indeed, never will.
Alright, enough of this for now. Let me indulge in life's simple pleasures, and get some much needed rest. Of course, there is much room for improvement, but for the time being, this is simply great!!
Finally, it's done... Hmmm, maybe I can change the colour scheme, or perhaps the picture... Nah... =P


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