Friday, September 02, 2005

Ungodly Hours of the Night

I wonder.. why do I always end up doing assignments till ungodly hours of the night.. like the past 3 nights.. never slept before 4, woke up before 8.. sigh.. this is sooo reminiscent of those good old NUS days gone by..

Perhaps I should start doing them earlier in the day, so that I can end earlier, but then again, my brain cells don't seem to wake up till after 11pm, so starting earlier would mean staying in hibernate mode till 11 at least, and it just simply kills more brain cells..

Guess that's just my style, so I won't complain about it.. Anyway, something funny happened today. Was about to step into the shower with my new 'Neutrogena RainBath' when it started pouring really heavily.. Haha.. Get it? Nope? haha.. lame.. *brrrr* cold, as Rachel would say.. *sneeze* excuse me!!


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