Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Can someone help me think of a darned title?

Finally realised why my previous post was so unclear.. forgot to change the font size to large and therefore, it was too small.. and I thought it was a problem with my eyes..
so well, after getting that cleared up, I thought I might as well post something since I have already taken the effort to log into blogger.. but then again, I am faced with the problem of not knowing what to post about..
lessons have been going on, so too soccer training.. so days in school have been long, and rather tiring as well, but still coping I guess.. gp is now kinda structured and still needs getting used to, while PW is fine, interesting too, but will take time to really get into the groove of it I would say.. which essentially means the same thing as "needs getting used to", just that it's paraphrased.. haha.. teaching moment there..
so, occupational hazards aside, speaking of which, I was so tempted to use a red chalk to circle a mis-spelling I saw at a cafe the other day, life has been pretty mundane, what with getting to school about 7 and leaving about 8, making that 13 hours in school when there's soccer going on.. doesn't really leave much time left for anything..
A Div soccer is starting soon too, next week in fact, but fixtures have been voided and currently waiting for the new fixtures to come out.. the guys are all working hard, I think, and hopefully they do well.. can't comment much about it, haven't really seen all the teams in play, but oh well, all the best, and make sure you give maximum effort..
so, which now leaves me with just one last thing to do.. I can't think of a darned title.. so it shall be..


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