Friday, October 06, 2006

Of markers and memories..

alrite.. am in the midst of marking essays but just need to get this off my head coz it's been pestering me for the past few days..

as you can see from my msn nick.. "Why are good memories written with a whiteboard marker, while bad memories with a permanent marker?"

there's a continuation to that.. "At least the permanent marks can be gotten rid of with the help of a whiteboard marker.. Can you ever erase bad memories with good memories?"

I wonder.. permanent marks require you to go over them once with a whiteboard marker to be erased, but how many good memories do you need to erase one bad one? or is it even possible?

think this GP essay thingy is getting to me.. might be a good holiday essay assignment though.. "Can bad memories ever be erased completely by good ones?" - define memories, define good, define bad, define erase, take note of the absolute term 'completely', blah blah..

whatever la.. I'm wandering from my initial task of marking, from my intention of creating this post, but yet I'm not lost.. hence, "not all that wander are lost".. =P


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