Thursday, March 16, 2006

What is "Moving On"?

alrite.. I was looking ard at blogs as usual, and came across this.. being as kpo as I usually am, and being bored now, I've decided to offer my view on what's moving on.. sure beats having to do lesson plans and mark worksheets..

hmm.. how do I begin? let's use something familiar I guess.. ever waited ages for a bus at a bus stop late at night and somehow it never seemed to appear? do you wait on, or do you do something else? sometimes you wait, because you are not ready to give up, you're not ready to move on.. so you wait and you wait, for that last bus to arrive..

other times, you flag down the next cab that comes your way and juz get home.. this ensures that you get home quick but it burns a hole in the pocket.. this is done provided you know exactly where you want to move on to, and you are willing to pay the price for it, be it monetary or emotionally.. it usually has repurcussions as well, such as missing out on buying that bag you've been eyeing for the longest time, or wateva.. u get the point..

yet at other times, you decide to move on slowly.. in stages.. setting targets you can see.. for example.. you decide to walk to the next bus stop before waiting again.. but as you walk, you constantly turn back because you're afraid that the bus might come.. this is natural, but this slows your walk to the next stop.. you constantly wonder if it was a wrong move to even step away from the bus stop in the first place, so you unwillingly walk towards the next one..

as you walk, you near the next one, and you quicken our pace in case the bus comes along now.. but when you arrive and you wait, you realise that the bus is still not coming.. do you wait, or do you walk on? and so it goes, making choices at every stop, choosing to wait or walk on.. you feel satisfied each time you reach a new stop, a new resting point, but silently you hope that the bus still comes, don't we all? but unknowingly, you are also getting nearer to where you hope to be eventually, if you've chosen to walk on from stop to stop..

this is what most of us do when moving on.. we take small tentative steps at first, afraid of the consequences, not knowing that each tentative step takes us further away from where we began and nearer to where we want to go.. when the goal we aim for is within distance, we hurry along, still harbouring hopes of getting what we had wanted.. as we walk further, our hopes of getting what we had wanted fade, and our eventual destination seem so much nearer..

of course, there are times when you are halfway between two bus stops and you're dead tired.. you curse your luck, you swear at anything, and you feel like giving up.. you sit down on the pavement and you cry, you rant.. but do you stand up and walk on, or do you continue sitting down? it's now too far to walk back to where you started, so what do you do?

there may be a chance that the bus zooms past you while you're halfway between stops, so how do you deal with that? do you stand by the roadside and flag insanely, hoping that the driver somehow picks you up? do you grieve that lost chance, and curse your stupidity for walking in the first place? or do you brace yourself together and tell yourself to walk on, knowing that it's not fated to be? I wonder what I'll do too..

well.. no matter whether you wait, you take a cab, or you walk, there are consequences that you have to bear, and who knows what these consequences may be.. what really matters is that you make the choice that you are comfortable with at that point of time and you live by it without regrets.. do not walk because that man or woman at the bus stop tells you that the bus has left because how can you be truly sure that he or she is right? only when you're convinced that the bus has left do you leave the bus stop..

yep.. guess this is really heading nowhere, so I won't confuse anyone anymore with my ramblings.. if this somehow made sense to you, I hope it helps.. if it doesn't, don't worry, I'm sure you're not the only one.. whatever it is, moving on, to me, simply means doing what you feel comfortable doing at that point in time.. and remember, there are always countless checkpoints between the starting and finishing line.. cheers..


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